What does research tell us about how to raise money-smart kids?

In this issue: Insights from my latest podcast episode, navigating the college admissions process and a nugget of weekly wisdom.

"Working to help parents raise money-smart kids."

​​3 Ideas to Share & Save
(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.)

Hello, friends!

Let's continue our Money-Smart Month momentum on this first Money-Smart Monday in May.


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Second Time's the Charm: My second conversation with Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black takes us deep into her research, helping us prioritize what strategies matter on our families' money-smart journeys. Our discussion, which dropped this morning, is wide-ranging. Ashley distills dozens of research papers into key themes, including:

  • giving our kids early experience and practice with the green stuff
  • modeling good financial behaviors
  • acknowledging lecturing's limitations

You won't be surprised to learn that my first conversation with Ashley informed much of what I've been discussing with you here in this newsletter. So please take some time this week to listen to and learn from one of my favorite innovators in the money-smart movement.

— 2 —

Stop! No! Never! The college admissions process is gut-wrenching, filled with ups, downs and in-betweens. While sometimes the stars align for your child to get into that top state school offering the perfect program she wants to pursue, more often than not you're faced with difficult decisions, including how to pay for her next educational step.

Even if your 529 has grown mightily, that school that feels like the proper fit for your child could still require student loans. And this year's delayed FAFSA rollout means many of you may be in the midst of trying to navigate this system right now.

So I thought I'd remind you that I've spoken with the College Financial Lady, Ann Garcia, about this process. While her full podcast episode covers many bases, Ann answers two common questions in the following shorts.

How much student debt is okay to have?

video preview

Are there any loan types we must avoid?

video preview

— 3 —

Weekly Wisdom: Although many quotes are often misattributed to Mr. Relativity, Albert Einstein probably did say the following.

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

So while Ashley LeBaron-Black continues to improve her innovative financial socialization scale, helping guide our thinking about money smarts, we mustn't forget that what truly matters is fairly straightforward.

We start the money conversation with our kids at a young age, do our best to model living beneath our means and incentivize our children to carve out a portion of their "gazintas" to take advantage of the power of time. Because the earlier our kids launch their compounding rockets, the farther they will travel. 🚀

As always, enjoy the journey!

Chief Mammal

P.S. Please consult with a financial or investment professional before engaging in any decisions that might affect your own financial well-being.

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3 Ideas to Share & Save

Every Monday I share 3 ideas to help you and your family on the money-smart journey. I created "The Money Mammals" for kids and wrote The Art of Allowance book for parents like you. Won't you join me on the money-smart journey?

Read more from 3 Ideas to Share & Save

In this issue: Engaging kids with money-smart messages, empowering parents with robust resources and making a contribution to society. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends, I'd like to begin this installment of "3 Ideas to Share & Save" with a big thank you! 🙏 Our readership has doubled over the past several months due to your sharing these ideas and fellow writers' referring...

In this issue: Filling your money-smart rucksack, becoming a one percenter and considering perspectives on time. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I've returned from dropping off my daughter at school, which means my wife and I are back to being empty nesters. But it also means I'm back to sharing this newsletter with you. So let's dive into this new installment! — 1 — Fill...

In this issue: Making financial literacy fun, avoiding distraction brokers and finding a rainbow. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! With so many kids simmering in schools before September, Labor Day no longer feels like the ceremonial end of summer. So this edition will wrap up the season in a neat, tidy (rain)bow. And since I'm helping my daughter start up her sophomore...