
3 Ideas to Share & Save

Every Monday I share 3 ideas to help you and your family on the money-smart journey. I created "The Money Mammals" for kids and wrote The Art of Allowance book for parents like you. Won't you join me on the money-smart journey?

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Where did The Money Mammals come from? 💰🧠

In this issue: Engaging kids with money-smart messages, empowering parents with robust resources and making a contribution to society. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends, I'd like to begin this installment of "3 Ideas to Share & Save" with a big thank you! 🙏 Our readership has doubled over the past several months due to your sharing these ideas and fellow writers' referring...

In this issue: Filling your money-smart rucksack, becoming a one percenter and considering perspectives on time. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I've returned from dropping off my daughter at school, which means my wife and I are back to being empty nesters. But it also means I'm back to sharing this newsletter with you. So let's dive into this new installment! — 1 — Fill...

In this issue: Making financial literacy fun, avoiding distraction brokers and finding a rainbow. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! With so many kids simmering in schools before September, Labor Day no longer feels like the ceremonial end of summer. So this edition will wrap up the season in a neat, tidy (rain)bow. And since I'm helping my daughter start up her sophomore...

In this issue: Encouraging kids to be mindful of purchases, reframing money mistakes as learning opportunities and following your intuition to craft your "art" of allowance. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends, It's Monday ... again! Does August ever feel a bit like the classic movie Groundhog Day to you? Once September arrives, time lurches towards the holidays. August,...

In this issue: Engaging kids in the media literacy conversation, introducing the topic to preschoolers and making the money-smart journey more entertaining. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! You may recall that I teased my podcast conversation with Media Literacy Now CEO and Founder Erin McNeill a few weeks ago. Our full discussion went live this morning. Subscribe to The...

In this issue: Establishing the goal of allowance, deciding when to introduce digital money and acknowledging "nexting." "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! Here are three "cool" ideas to help you weather these dog days of summer. 🥵 Let's get right to it so you can return to your porch to get your hands on a cold glass of iced tea. — 1 — Doing Allowance: "The greatest teacher...

In this issue: Introducing kids to media literacy, sitting on the same side of the table and becoming "professional" parents. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I have several interesting ideas I want to share with you this week. So let's dive right in! — 1 — Media Literacy Matters: All someone needs to do is mention Lucky Charms around me, and I reflexively sing, "They're...

In this issue: Promoting portionsaving, practicing meansliving and encouraging longinvesting. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! Last week, I wrote to you about trying to beat the market: "Research suggests that only 1% of the very top-tier of money managers outperform, and on the rare occasion they do it is hard to distinguish skill from luck." [emphasis mine] —JL Collins,...

In this issue: Taking advice with a grain of salt, attempting to beat the market and finding fulfillment. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I'm back from vacation. We visited Yellowstone for the first time, and it didn't disappoint. Otherworldly. 3 Generations at Yellowstone's Grand Prismatic Spring Now onto this week's edition of "3 Ideas to Share & Save"! — 1 — Grains of...

In this issue: Reframing the concept of "good debt," highlighting personal inspiration sources and defining success. "Working to help parents raise money-smart kids." 3 Ideas to Share & Save(Click the link above 👆 to read this week's edition on the web.) Hello, friends! I'm on vacation this week, so I'm keeping today's newsletter short and simple. I hope you enjoy this abridged edition of "3 Ideas to Share & Save"! — 1 — The Debt Debacle: My most recent podcast guest, Andy Hill, famously paid...